Live Rich

Are You Creating Your Dreams Or Destroying Them?



There’s an old saying that I try to always keep in mind: “If you aren’t moving forward, you are moving backward.” Not acting with intention and a sense of purpose each day will very likely lead to your dreams going unfulfilled. Simply hopping in your car and driving off toward the sunset will not easily lead you to the coast – not as quickly as if you bring along a map and a GPS to guide your journey. If you aren’t developing and implementing a clear action plan to achieve your goals, the dreams that you hold are most likely crumbling right in front of you without you even seeing it. You can’t entertain wishful thinking when it comes to making progress on your mission. It is nice to have dreams and fantasies, but these should be relegated to when you’re sleeping, not when it comes to your life goals. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Are you on pace to make your dreams for yourself a tangible reality – or are you setting fire to them each day through inertia and lack of focus?