Live Rich

Do It In 10 Minutes



600 Seconds. Doesn’t sound like a lot of time, does it? And yet carving out just ten minutes a day to focus on your priority goals can make a big impact on driving toward your long-term goals.  View the full post and Video here: Summary: Would you believe me if I told you that the most important part of your day actually happens the night before? A common trait of many top performers that I know is that they all block out a chunk of time each evening to ruthlessly review and scrutinize how they plan to spend their time the next day. They know that their days are finite and too precious to spend with any uncertainty about what to do or work on next. I have adopted the tactic of using a daily efficiency planner to prioritize and map out what I will be focused on the next morning. This ensures that I immediately hit the ground running from the moment I wake up. If you are going to make the effort to wake up early each day, you owe it to yourself to ensure that you use each minute to its max