Live Rich

The Desire To Win



Where does that drive to conquer, no matter the obstacles, come from? In the end, drive and determination will eat talent for breakfast – each and every time. It is not enough to be gifted. What matters is how you choose to use that gift, and to what degree you are disciplined about it. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Do you have the drive to succeed? Where does that grinding desire to win come from? Don’t confuse this with the motivation to attain and hold a job. The world’s true success stories aren’t content with that – contentment doesn’t seem to be a word in their vocabulary. This can create a lot of struggle and challenge over the course of their journey, but ultimately a lot of satisfaction is gained when they look back upon all that they have achieved. The desire to win doesn’t rest or take holidays. It’s a grinding hustle that knows nothing of sick days, holidays or the normal boundaries observed by most of us. Employees rightfully advocate for a healthy work-life ba