Live Rich

Telling Your Story



If you take a look at the most successful people and brands in the world, you will often find that the common thread connecting them all is that they are compelling story tellers. They don’t just tell customers what they do – they take them on a journey that is designed to help build an emotional bond. Read on to see how exploring and communicating your unique personal narrative can help you connect with your core values and discover a niche that you can build your business around.  View the full post and video here:  Summary:  What is it about stories? After thousands of years, we all still love nothing more than to hear a good yarn. What countless marketers and business leaders have learned is that nothing seems to stick in the mind of customers and audiences like a good narrative. Facts and statistics definitely have their place in supporting arguments. But there is nothing like putting a human face to strike a direct connection. The same should go for your brand. What stories are you