Live Rich

Early Bird Or Night Owl?



There are morning people and night people. Both have their pros and cons. The night owl is more likely to be a good weekend companion in Vegas than a morning riser. But the early bird is far more likely to be a millionaire. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Succeeding takes talent and knowledge – as well as the time to make the fullest use of your gifts. For many of us, time is a commodity that always seems to be in short supply. We just can’t seem to extract all the time we need from our days. This is especially difficult if you are working or studying full time while also trying to launch a business or side venture you care about. The obvious answer is to carve out more time – most likely in the morning. Studies have shown that morning people are almost invariably more successful than their counterparts who sleep in. Not everyone is naturally wired to rise early in the morning, but it is worthwhile to experiment and see how you like it. There is nothing quite like aggressively