Live Rich

Why Wealth Starts With Sweat



Exercise might not seem to have an awful lot to do with money or attaining wealth. But I would argue that guides to clean eating and physical fitness should absolutely be included in the personal finance section of the book store. Here are some general guidelines that can help you to integrate more physical activity into your daily schedule so that you can remain in prime shape to tackle your goals. View the full post and video here:  Summary: What does exercise have to do with money? Why is a gym or a small set of personal equipment maybe the best investment you can make for your financial future? It may not seem intuitive, but there is a direct correlation between your fitness and your finances. Studies have proven that the most successful and high achieving of professionals make time, no matter how crazy their schedule can get, to fit in regular and hard driving workouts. The reality is that sticking to a rigorous routine - and holding high expectations for your physical condition - cre