Live Rich

An Extra MinuteThat Can Make You A Fortune!



An extra minute. It's just sixty seconds - not enough time to mircowave a bag of popcorn - but you'd be surprised at just how much you can manage to get done in even a narrow sliver of time. There is tremendous power in adding just a little more time into your schedule to tackle your long-term goals. What seems like a drop in the ocean when seen in isolation can ultimately add up to something very big over time.   View the full post and video here: Summary: It might just be sixty seconds, but a minute can make a very big difference if used correctly. Too often we discount the power that is in seemingly small actions or small periods of time. If used properly and deliberately, you can use strained resources to make giant strides toward meeting your goals. If you find yourself pinched without enough time to see the results that you are seeking, consider adding in just a bit of time to the beginning or end of your day. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish by focusing intensely for even