Live Rich

Experience Needs To Be Valued



View the full post, video and website here:  Summary: Experience has a great deal of value, which begets wealth. That is why participating in a mastermind group can be so incredibly powerful and effective. The concept of likeminded people coming together in one place with the goal of improving themselves and helping everyone else to get better is empowering. It can be life changing. So when you consider joining such a group, it isn’t the cost that is important; it is the value you gain from the collective experience of the group that matters most. The experiences of others, if you take heed, can prevent you from making mistakes already made by the members of the group. Their knowledge can help you avoid pitfalls, bumps in the road, or even disasters, reducing the time it takes to get you where you want to go. The diversity of experience that comes to bear in such groups is what makes them so powerful. Everyone brings a different perspective and offers a different take when evaluating one a