James Madison Center for Civic Engagement: Democracy Matters

Episode 21: Counting for Community Resilience: Census in the Time of COVID



Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Census faced serious challenges to achieving a complete and accurate count because of politics, budget restrictions, employing new technology and because social media amplifies the spread of misinformation and disinformation. The global public health crisis has thrown into sharp relief the importance of a complete count, including: ensuring accurate representation in governmental institutions, having accurate data for healthcare infrastructure and emergency preparedness, and access to funding communities desperately need. In this episode of Democracy Matters, we talk with Jonathan Derks, Kearstin Kimm, Tristan Thorgersen, and Abby Wallen about their work this semester to reach hard-to-count communities. See the show notes with links mentioned in this episode at https://j.mu/news/civic/2020/04-26-democracy-matters-episode-21.shtml