James Madison Center for Civic Engagement: Democracy Matters

Episode 45: Distrust of News, Divergent Sources, Doom Scrolling and Democracy



How have changes in the media ecosystem impacted knowledge of issues and informed participation in elections? How did media coverage of the 2020 elections compare to 2016? Why is there so much distrust in the news media? How does the current mediascape with the ability to pick and choose from divergent news sources impact the ability of Americans to distinguish credible information from misinformation, disinformation and propaganda? And how has the rise of social media impacted elections? In this episode, we talk with JMU Professor of Political Science Dr. David Jones about the implications of the media for democratic participation, practice and governance. See the show notes with links mentioned in this episode at https://j.mu/news/civic/2020/11-23-democracy-matters-episode-45.shtml