Yogi Misfit Sessions

153 | Black Boys OM | Fiecre Calm #yogasavedmylife Feat. Danny Fluker



You have probably been able to tell that a big part of my journey recently is the practice of anti-racism. It took me a while to realize how much simply presenting as white can shape and change someone’s daily life. This realization has helped me learn and grow and it has also shifted the way I run a few things in my life. One of the things I'm fully committed to is opening up gateways to bring more yogis of all colors into the fold. One way I’m excited to do right away is to use my platforms to raise up other BI-POC, queer, trans and other unheard voices.This week on the Seeker+Sage podcast I had the honor of interviewing Danny Fluker. Danny is an incredible human who is also driven to bring yoga out into the world -- specifically to men of color. We get down into the nitty-gritty of his purpose and his mission. He shares his story on how yoga has helped shape his life. This is one of those episodes I had to playback to just deeply hear his message and get all those awesome nuggets.&