Sex Talk With Lou

Charlie Glickman, author The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure



Charlie Glickman, Ph.D. Sexuality Educator, Author, Speaker and Trainer,, Twitter @charlieglickman, - February 8th-9th Santa Monica Again I get to interview Charlie Glickman about his break through book, The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure. We have tons of material, research and awareness about the Female G Spot and finally the Male G Spot is getting its spotlight. The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure - finally a plain speaking, solid sex education book for Prostate Pleasure. As two top Sex Educators, Charlie Glickman PhD and Aislinn Emirzian have put together an easy reading book on a subject that is equal parts prostate health and powerful sexual pleasure. Charlie, Aislinn and I will debunk myths, (You are not secretly gay if you like this type of pleasure!!!) and answer the most commonly asked 'wrong' questions and deliver for women and men the potential of Prostate Pleasure. Men a