Sex Talk With Lou

So How Did You Get Into Selling Sex Toys to Soccer Moms? Karla Scott Director of Sales - Eldorado Trading Company



Karla Scott, Director of Sales for Eldorado Trading Company will give us an insider's view of the world of selling sex toys to retailers across the country. This will be a VERY fun conversation!!!! Karla and I will talk about how she creates and tailors Eldorado's marketing of adult novelties to their national and international retailers. She is the boots on the ground AKA sales reconnaissance for her company. Given that Colorado based Eldorado is one the top US based distributors and has 16,000 SKUs and over 300 different vendors she has many options to help her retailers choose the best for their customers. How does she answer, "What is the best vibe? What about this lube?" Her answers lie in education and training, gathering the best products which is an Eldorado focus and training the sales staff so they have the best possible information BEFORE they talk to customers and don't learn in a trial by error fashion. She brings her 22 years of executive background, Fortune 500 (UPS Sr. Account Exec.) a