Sex Talk With Lou

Lissa Rankin M.D., Mind Over Medicine Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself



Lissa Rankin M.D. has a huge mission - Helping to Heal the Healers - sharing Mind Over Medicine - Scientific Proof We Can Heal Ourselves' ground breaking collection of information and scientific facts to the people we go to for health care - M.D.s, physicians, all healthcare providers. Putting back into their minds and hands information that will make them be the healers they went into healthcare to become. People….Love your loved ones? Love life? Love yourself? Then people READ this book it will put you in the driver's seat about keeping you and your loved ones alive longer and in better shape because of things the medical world never told you. In Mind Over Medicine; Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself Lissa Rankin M.D. delivers clear, oftimes LOL user-friendly science based explanations and suggestions on how you can have the body and health you want, how to heal yourself and help your loved ones do the same. In Mind Over Medicine Dr. Lissa adresses the power we have by our thoughts to Hea