In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 112 – Strategies for Increasing Student Motivation in the Classroom



What I going to share with you comes from Raymond Wlodkowski’s book, Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. As Wlodkowski pointed out there is a strong positive correlation between motivation and learning. As instructors, we can create the right conditions and environment to help them learn. Wlodkowski and Ginsberg developed the Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching. Within this framework, Wlodkowski and Ginsberg incorporate four essential elements that will attend to the learning activities that meet four conditions: success, volition, value, and enjoyment. These elements include: Establishing inclusion Developing attitude Enhancing meaning Engendering competence By attending to these four elements, you keep focused on learner motivation. This episode will take a closer look at factors that affect motivation, characteristics and skills needed as a motivating instructor, and strategies for increasing motivation in the classroom. Come learn more. Join me on Facebook: