The Kate Valentine Ufo Show

Kate with Anthony F. Sanchez



The UFO Highway Book by Anthony F. Sanchez Software engineer and UFO researcher, Anthony F. Sanchez, discusses how the military industrial complex is related to the Greys and UFOs. Anthony is the first Investigative Researhcer to 'ever' find U.S. Government Property atop the Archuleta Mesa (Dulce, NM), on what is soveriegn land belonging to the Jicarilla Apache nation, not the U.S. Government or Military. This is a clear indication that something is happening in Dulce.” AUTHOR BIO Anthony F. Sanchez received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City, UT. In addition to being a Software Consultant for the State of California through his own company, Anthony has been employed for 16 years as a Software Engineer working for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape Communications, and Hewlett Packard performing high level software development supporting scientific engineering and business intelligence projects. He became interested in UFOs back in 1989, at the time Area 5