Zeitgeist with Zack Geist

Dr. Clare Johnson: Numinous Dream Magic



Dr. Clare Johnson received her PhD in Lucid Dreaming and the Creative Process. She has been lucid dreaming for over 40 years since the age of 3. She is the past president of the International Study of Sleep and Dreams, is a Yoga Teacher, Mother and an author of more books on lucid dreaming than any other author that I have been able to find.   Over the past 2 years I have been deeply committed to my lucid dream practice. Experiencing the Divine through real experiences, as real as waking life or even more real, has inspired me to dive deeper and deeper into accessing this numinous embodied presence. This eventually led me to discovering the work of Dr. Clare Johnson. Beginning to read her book almost a year ago, inspired lucid dreams 3 nights in a row, which at the time was a record for me. Since working with her through her books, in groups and personally, I have often told people that if I were to be trapped on a desert island, alone, with only one book, it would be her complete book on lucid dreaming. I