Hunter & Leslie Byte This

Pengolin the New Honey Badger



Hunter & Leslie step into a Pengolin vortex.   So what is a Pengolin!   Did you know that the Pengolin is the most trafficked animal in the world?  It's so bad that zoologists are trying to life fingerprints off their scales to identifty poachers.  Apparently, Pengolins are used for "medicine" (male enhancement?) and are also delicious.  Horrible.  So Leslie and Hunter googled Pengolin   OMG!  It's like a drunk snake and made sexy time with an armadillo and a moldy avocado.   Hunter & Leslie feel that there hasn't been a solid nature video since the Honey Badger (click here if you have never seen it or need refresher.) so, let's learn about the Nasssstay Pengolin together on this episode of Hunter & Leslie. See for privacy information.