More Than Movies

S05E4 - Josstice League v. SnyderCut



This Just In…. Last Week - 00:32 Welcome back to Cesar Echeandia who joined us last season to talk about Ray Fisher vs. the executives at Warner Studios. We covered the story as it was unfolding and it’s about time that we catch up on everything that’s happened since September 2020! Ray Fisher Hollywood Reporter - Film Freaks  - 19:53 Justice League (2017) & Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) Next time it’s an all out Top 10 Turf War with our Best of 2020 list coming your way right after Oscar Nite! Plus on April 24th at 8pm ET, join us on Clubhouse for a live taping of our new episode! Follow us on Clubhouse:  Jay at @jestrjay & Ivana at @its.ivana Outro - 01:28:54 We really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to listen to our first podcast, and we really want to hear from you, good or bad!; facebook