America Meditating Radio Show W/ Sister Jenna

Stop Fixing Yourself with Don Joseph Goewey & Sister Jenna



Don Joseph Goewey is the executive director of the Center for Spiritual Exchange, which is the official archive for all the works of Anthony De Mello. Don has also worked at Stanford University Medical School, ran a regional emergency medical services system, and headed an institute that pioneered a psycho-spiritual approach to overcoming catastrophic life events which was awarded the AMA’s Excellence in Medicine medal. Don has worked with some of the most stressful situations, with people facing terminal illness, parents struggling with the loss of a child, prisoners serving life sentences, and refugees of the genocidal war in Bosnia struggling with extreme post-traumatic stress. He is the author of several books including the Amazon bestseller, "The End of Stress/Four Steps to Rewire Your Brain" and is the editor of the book, "Stop Fixing Yourself: Wake Up, All is Well" by Anthony De Mello. Visit & Listen to the new Om Shanti album by Sister Jen