Bellwether Hub Podcast

Building Your Personal PR Plan: Episode 75


Sinopsis Happy April. This week we’re covering your PR plan.  As the workplace evolves, the stakes get higher on making sure we are able to influence the story that precedes us. Reputation, personal “brands,” and other stories impact our ability to move up in an organization, as well as build our community of people around us.  That said, it’s a good exercise to build a PR plan. I share more detail on the podcast, but in order to influence our future and our community, we have to push an agenda based on where we want to go. It’s our own responsibility to ensure the message we want to communicate is getting out, and there are three audiences to focus on. Those three audiences are clients, shareholders and employees. Or, even more basic, those above us, below us, and around us.  Who composes your audiences will change as you grow. A senior leader in an organization has different members of the “shareholder” audience than a front line employee. Regardless, the basic tenets remain