In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 117 - Bullet Journaling for Educators



Since my days in the Air Force, I always carried a small notebook with me - a Moleskine notebook. I would write notes as they occur to me. These notes would be from meetings, podcasts, books, or just random ideas I wanted to capture. My notebook was a mess. I then tripped upon a method to help me stay on track better due to better note-taking. I have been using this method ever since. This method is called bullet journaling, a creation of Ryder Carroll. Each individual can personalize their method to what works best for them. Even though I am now using the bullet journaling method, I have adapted it to my own way of working. The most important thing I have found in using bullet journals is that I am more relaxed because I offloaded content from my brain to a more reliable memory device. This episode will take a closer look at bullet journaling and how you can use it to support your profession. We will look at key features of bullet journaling as well as provide examples of how to use it. Come learn more. Join