In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 116 - Improve Your Research with Readwise



Approximately two weeks ago, Thomas Frank introduced me to a new tool through one of his YouTube videos. Once I understood what it could do, I knew that I needed to add it to my mix of tools. While I am just getting familiar with it, I knew I had to introduce you to it. The tool is called Readwise. With Readwise, I was able to connect to my Kindle account and export the highlights of 116 books to Evernote. Kindle is not the only application to which you can connect. Readwise will let you automatically sync with twelve different applications such as Twitter, Hypothesis, Goodreads, Feedly, Instapaper, Pocket, and many more. Readwise also reminds me of the wisdom I have gleaned while reading with daily emails containing random highlights. I can also share these highlights with others. Finally, Readwise allows you to create a study system to improve your information recall similar to flashcards. This program has become an integral part of my learning system. It will also get me using and Kindle much m