In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 118 - My Strategies for Seek, Sense, Share



Seeking is about pulling in information that is new. It is basically keeping my eyes and ears open to what is happening in the world. I tend to find information around areas of interest or problems that I am trying to solve. They may be my problems or problems for others. Keeping an eye out for new information is a fairly rapid process. Primarily, I scan titles to articles until one looks interesting. I will then open it, read it, and decide if it is worth keeping or not. The process of sense-making is necessary before I share information with others. In my various roles, I believe it is my responsibility to help find and distribute new content in order to help others excel. Sense-making is a key component of this process because I have to first understand it and know how the new knowledge will benefit others before I can share it. While each element is critical to this framework, I am especially a fan of the Share element. Sharing is an opportunity to add to the world knowledge base with your interpretation