Leadership Stars

Create a Future Vision to Inspire and Excite You - Julie Foucht



You’ve set your vision for the year. You have your calendar in place. You are ready to rock-n-roll. So, what is stopping you from realizing this bold and unapologetic vision? Do you look at the vision and feel bored and frustrated? Is it the same vision you had last year (and the one before that…)? Do you roll over in the morning and ask, “Is this all there is? Is it just me or do I need a change?” Do you find there is no “juice” or excitement around your vision? Join Linda Patten and her guest, Julie Foucht, as they explore how to create a vision of your business that makes it a reflection of who you are. It is time to come out of hiding because it is costing you money. Being true and authentic to yourself will create a future vision that will inspire and excite you to see what is just around the corner for you!