Nlp Courses Show

Unconscious Mind



Re-publishing this early podcast as they have disappeared into the digital cloud. This was my first podcast recorded NLP and how the unconscious mind can be influenced to achieve your goals Discover: We as humans are amazing and often strange. Where are our decisions coming from? What drives behaviours? Pulling back the velvet curtains and taking a peek into the unconscious mind can help us achieve our goals. A small shift in language can help stick to your New Years Goals, stay on your quest for health and move us closer to your business goals. You will also be able to help your clients shift language patterns to maximize results from your sessions. When you clients change language this affects the images in their mind. New images in the mind lead to new behaviours. New thoughts and behaviours lead to a new life. Not overnight but in the long-term. And we want long-term results, right? At work change your language patterns to increase productivity. And If you are wondering would it help to get your children