Nlp Courses Show

The Master Skill Storytelling



Re-issue of this episode, after we published this podcast, it disappeared on the pretence of finding itself. Last heard in a cafe in France.   The master skill – Storytelling part 2 At the heart of NLP is storytelling for transformation. This skill enables you to: Motivate your children to go to bed Inspire your team Increase sales Influence clients to change bad behaviours World-class public speakers, leaders and brands all use storytelling to connect with the heart. If you want to make a difference in the world, you need to have an emotional connection with someone and not just a logical connection. Discover in this session: How the story of King Arthur changed England forever How beliefs are stories we tell ourselves. Find out how by changing your own story you can change your beliefs Tapping into your natural ability to know what is a story and what is not Learn how Freud can transform storytelling With these insights you will be able to walk into meetings and get your message across and