[array] Podcast

Paul Martino, Bullpen Capital: How do you differentiate your fund?



After founding several successful start-ups, Paul Martino (https://twitter.com/ahpah), Duncan Davidson (https://twitter.com/duncandavi), and Rich Melmon (https://twitter.com/RMelmon) decide to start a different kind of company, a venture capital fund - Bullpen Capital (http://bullpencap.com). Starting a successful VC firm requires differentiation. They found a gap in the market allowing them to start a fund with differentiation based on “stage" vs “lifecycle” approach. Bullpen successfully takes a “stage” focus approach creating a "post seed” category. Bullpen truly gives attention to contrarian “vice” markets and founders that many VC firms are unable to or written-off based on their experience and pattern matching. I’ve been as an advisor with Bullpen for a few years and I’ve seen their approach in action. I’ve seen how a perfect Bullpen deal comes about with a combination of math and art together. Let’s hear Paul Martino’s personal journey, and how a VC firm continues to stay competitive as it grows. I hav