Self-aware Millennial

Season One: Episode 12 // Millennials at Work with Jeremy Boudinet



This week, as an exciting complement to episode 2: Millennials versus Gen X, I’m speaking to Millennial Jeremy Boudinet about Millennials in the workplace.The most beneficial thing Jeremy said was to get a mentor. I enthusiastically back this up because mentors have a vested, personal interest in you reaching your goals. No one finds success and happiness alone, despite what a lot of arrogant musicians tend to preach in their songs. Who you surround yourself with matters almost as much as how you feel about yourself.Often times, finding a mentor is as simple as just asking for one. If there’s someone you admire or someone who’s in a role you aspire to, ask them for feedback on things or if they have any advice. I have a friend from Italy told me she straight up asks, “I’m looking for a mentor. Are you interested?”Now, for some of us, that’s easier said than done. Or, maybe you don’t work in an environment you feel comfortable asking. Maybe you just don’t like your job. Better yet, maybe you’re looking for a w