How To Become A Consultant Podcast

Session 034 | Transformation = Conversion Expert Miranda Palmer | How to Grow an Income



Miranda's an amazing person, here's what she says about her journey:   How did I end up helping thousands of therapists from all around the world? I failed a licensing exam, by 1 point... and I lived to tell about it. Isn't it funny how something that feels horrible and terrible in the moment can turn into a catalyst for something beautiful.  “Miranda has developed an awesome program. I feel Miranda to be deeply caring and an authentic human. She has a great sense of humor and self confidence. Her enthusiasm is contagious. She is inspiring and has solid ideas that are practical to implement.” — Ginger Bahardar Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor   Today my primary business is inspiring and teaching therapists private practice marketing. I teach them business skills, and not because I'm all about money. I see how clinical outcomes, burnout rate, and overall passion can be impacted positively or negatively by how our businesses run.  If you work for an agency and you don't like your job- you bla