Awaken To Brilliance

The Magic of Perspective



Hello Beautiful! Today's episode shines light on how to feel good without raising your vibrations! YES :) This takes life to a whole other level*  We highlight: Your emotions are simply indicating to you what you thinking about how you are feeling. They show you the relationship you are choosing to experience with the flow of life.  The same vibrational essence of joy is the same vibrational essence as rage; it just depends how you are expressing the energy. This is the same for laughter and fear. When you are fully immersed in laughter and fully embodied in instinctual fear, you are completely engaged in the present moment and the cells of your body are highly charged and activated. (That is why some people laugh when they feel fear ;) They are just expressing that energy differently.  Everyone is a different expression of you, just living from a different point of view. Everything that exists is another dimension of U*  Self love is all loving when you realize that everything is U. Share and Subscribe* Th