Ten With Ken (audio)

5 Changes for Season 5 of Ten with Ken!



As Ten with Kenbegins its FIFTH season, we’re adopting some online video best practices and streamlined processes that we think will be big improvements!  1. New Brand! We’re using a compressed, 4-second “bumper” more suitable to shorter videos, and showcasing 10K’s first real logo. The icon, simultaneously a stylized “K” and the symbol for “forward-looking video,” nicely sums up what we’re all about. 2. Colour Coding You’ll see that logo in at least 5 different colours, to identify the topic of each episode and make it easier to browse our channel, which now has more than 100 videos! Blue – Marketing & Branding Green – Teaching & Learning Purple – Innovation & Entrepreneurship Orange – Interviews & Campus Visits Red – Social Media  3. Every Friday Instead of being “almost weekly,” we’re now going to aim to publish new episodes every Friday morning. It’s going to be a real challenge, but it will help people find us if we can be consistent. 4. Shorter Episodes It’s going to help us publish we