Ten With Ken (audio)

Higher Ed Branding Misfires I



Ken Steele starts reviewing the 12 higher ed rebrands of the past 2 years that caused outrage and opposition among faculty, students and alumni. Odds of a backlash are 10% overall, 20% at universities (4-year colleges), 0% at community colleges -- and 50% at arts institutes! This week, 5 disastrous rebrands that pretty much deserved what they got. 3 of them were overly ambitious, taking bold and daring approaches: Loughborough University (UK): A well-ranked public research university founded in 1909, that launched a hot pink octagon "LU" logo in 2015. (Yikes!) A protest petition gathered 13,000 signatures -- 76% of the school's enrolment! The administration backed down and 5 months later unveiled a much more conventional coat of arms approach. Loughborough U Year in Review - https://youtu.be/TDfVHTtcl7g How to Make the LU Logo on Photoshop - https://youtu.be/4IZSAl4giQ4 Emerson College (MA): This liberal arts college focuses on communications, media and arts programs. In April 2016 Emerson proudly unveiled a