Conversations With Samantha &

Love it or Leave it - Mo Gawdat



On this episode of Love It or Leave It, Samantha Clarke interviews former Chief Business Officer for Google X, an entrepreneur, and the author of the book Solve for Happy Mo Gawdat. He goes into depth on how we can achieve happiness whilst also achieving success in life. Also, stay tuned to hear about Mo Gawdat’s views on how to set one billion people to become happier.   - Mo Gawdat  - “When I was a modern day warrior prioritising my left brain and feeling miserable this is what I needed to hear to tell me that happiness is logical, it’s predictable and if I work on it I can get it done, and here’s the way to work on it.”    01:00:37:08.26 - How did Mo Gawdat get to where he is now? 01:06:40:07.65- Mo’s modern day warrior 01:14:34:20.45 - The 6, 7, 5 model, the viewpoint of the modern world, and how we can get rid of it 01:33:36:14.35 – How would you want to be managed? 01:35:19:09.30 - It’s all about choices for what you want 01:38:29:12.40 - Which countries challenge this way of thinking? 01:44:40:05.60 -