Comedia A Go-go's Public Axis

Public Axis #30: Chris Mata



Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on January 17th, 2013 with comedian Chris Mata. 00:00 We welcome Mr. Mata to the F-Stop and learn the adverse effects of swimming in LA. 13:22Yeah, Aiight Den! Sometimes, you learn about shrug worthy stuff, like "A Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia" and then you reply, "Yeah, aiight den.". We then shuffle through some unnecessary sequel potential. 34:51 Dad's Corner(ed): Larry's daughter just finished a science fair so what better time to chat trials and tribulations of our own science fair experiments. Flies die, brains live and nobody wins. 1:06:42 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan brings up a fascinating bit about science changing the game of MMA - POWER NERDS! We talk about the toughest yet nerdiest folks we know. 1:34:01 Another fantastic podcast ends with another fantastic session of What We Learned Today. Enlighten yourself. Rate and share on iTunes! Let your friends know about Public Axis and keep those Facebook and Twitter comments coming!