Comedia A Go-go's Public Axis

Public Axis #23: Michael Christopher



Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on November 8th, 2012 with special musical guest Michael Christopher. 00:00 We bring talented San Antonio musician, Michael Christopher, to the F-Stop! With two active music projects, You and I Underwater and Rumors, we don't like him because he's better than us. Nah, he's actually okay and he plays a few jams for us throughout the show. 22:37  Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Jess brings Miami Connection (an awesome 80's movie with a rock band vs ninjas) to the spotlight and we talk best "worst" movies! 44:16  Dad's Corner(ed): In the light of the Elmo scandal, Larry asks , "If your child's hero turned out to be a horrible criminal, would you still let them watch their shows or play with their toys." Uncomfortable Muppet talks ensue! 1:03:56 Hey, That's Not Funny! The sucessful mission of the Curiostiy Rover (AKA Butt Rover) on Mars gets a special treat: a Wil-I-Am song sent millions of miles from Earth to Mars. Gee, thanks. What awesome song would you have rather been sent for t