Comedia A Go-go's Public Axis

Public Axis #16: Bobby Smith & George Anthony



Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on August 30th, 2012 with special guests, comedians Bobby Smith and George Anthony. 00:00  We welcome our guests to the F-Stop and inevitably talk about fingering. 12:00  Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Jess is reviewing Rock Band Blitz and talks about the demise of the music game genre. So we ask what's the new big craze in the video game world? Eating games? Sex games? Storage auction games? 28:18  Dad's Corner(ed).  Larry asks what we all picked on for at school. Were you fat? Did you have a pizza face? Did the loser kids reject you because you weren't cool enough for D&D and comics? 45:57  Hey, That's Not Funny! Mitt "Mittens" Romney is trying to connect to the common man. So we ask what do you have in common with the Mittster? 1:01:00 Bobby and George tell us a little bit about their sketch comedy project, Crazy B.S. They got a funny video up called "Tea Time" that you should check out - it has an old school CAGG feel that we dig alot! We do a little What Did You Learn To