Russ And Randy Podcast | Healthcare's Prescription For Web & Social

Easy (and cheap) Ways to Create Video



Russ and I recently talked about repurposing (or recycling) your website content.  One easy way to repurpose content is by creating a screencapture video.  We talk about some easy tools to help you get started.  If you already own and computer or laptop, chances are you may already have all the tools you need.  Creating video of content (e.g. Power Point) you have already created is a great first step to repurposing and familiarizing yourself with a new medium.  We give some tips and recommend a few programs along the way!   Russ and Randy #healthcarepodcast Thanks for listening. See you next week!  If you have a question or comment, please ask here or on our website. Please download us at iTunes and leave a review. All the best! Russ…and Randy Healthcare and Medical Internet Marketing Healthcare’s Rx for Web and Social