Solid Cat

Solid Cat: InuYasha Spoilers



Solid Cat is here to kick off the Lunar New Year with a fresh show of all that you love. First, thank you to all the fans who have download the show; you have set some records lately and we thank you for it. We still have seen Superman vs. Batman; will it be like Twilight? We coin a new word: craptivating, it's crap and captivating at the same time. Val keeps forgetting she doesn't speak Japanese. We have some InuYasha spoilers (we named this episode after a 30 second bit of dialogue). We vacationed in Pennsylvania in a little place that's called Ohiopyle and it's glorious. Will Val's mom start listening to the show? Praise be to JetBlue. Liquor laws are weird in other places. Not to bury the lead, but D-mo has been ordained! Hello, Pastor D-mo. We answer a slew of listener questions From the Dojo. In the Sexytime segment, we discuss the positives of open sexual communication with your partner. Remember, some people pay extra for that, so charge accordingly. Hansen's Natural Soda gets reviewed in the Space Co