Solid Cat

Solid Cat: In the Car



You wanted Solid Cat, so we're giving you one on the commute home. The word you're looking for is "certified," not "circumcised." It's not illegal to sell golden tickets to heaven, unless you say they're solid gold and they're just painted pieces of wood, that Jesus gave you behind a KFC; and don't forget your baby alligator. FIFA is rife with corruption and their app is lacking in Women's World Cup coverage. As we're driving, see if you can hear where the road improves. D-mo is back in Assassin's Creed mode. The Solid Cat couch is awesome and therapeutic. Since we got home faster than planned, we're now recording from the driveway. We dropped a Kentucky Fried Movie reference (you didn't misread that). Godzilla is now a citizen of Japan. And the Danger Diva hijacks the credits and wails like a banshee. Why not... it's Solid Cat.