Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Queen of Scots



To start Solid Cat, Val has a giant platypus on her head. Which invariably leads to a discussion about hats at the Kentucky Derby. We have a couple of corrections to make for last week's show. D-mo is in the Another Damn Trivia Show tournament final. Val has an unnatural obsession with Mary, Queen of Scots, which invariably leads to D-mo spending a full 9 minutes talking about politics in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada, which invariably leads to Ten Things about VE Day. OtterBoxes are not otterproof. Buy what's left of the Las Vegas Riveria. How to eat cupcakes nowadays. Fun facts about boobs, with a Norma Stitz reference. Big Bird made us cry, a high school boy is promoting feminine hygiene, and D-mo & Val finally saw Iron Man 3... two years later. Sometimes we're timely, sometimes we're not. Standard Solid Cat.