Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Ass Beads and Hand Jobs



There are some episodes of Solid Cat, where we are cultured and refined. Other times, we're quite crass. No surprises what kind of episode this is. We go from banned underwear to the world's widest tongues to hand jobs while singing karaoke to teabagging to dick pics to ass beads. But first, D-mo gets handed a stranger's baby. You should watch out for the Hand of the Almighty. Speaking of God, we salute the Padres, a priest on the Titanic, and talk about how Edmonton may be hell... albeit a frozen hell. And for kicks, soccer in the Thunderdome. 22 men enter, 11 leave. I'm not sure what to make of this week's episode, but as Val puts it, "it wasn't me, it was the foreskin." Wait, what? Oh, Solid Cat.