Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Not Cocaine



It's Spring Break season at Solid Cat. We explain western vs. eastern christianity, which leads to Jewish calendars, which leads to crossword puzzles, which leads to purposeful misspellings, which leads to Under Armour, which leads to Shoe Talk with D-mo & Val. Don't you just love stream of consciousness podcasting? Say hi to Rocket the Rusty Rocket. Killer tombstones need David Caruso. James Van Der Beek is a good-looking man. There is a super brief Michael Sheen retrospective, and we agree that Alan Rickman will always been Snape. Chocolate ganache in the Space Cowboy Kitchen. It's time for the Solid Cat General Apology. D-mo and Val talk about their dreams, and will God smite Val with a plague of baboons? Things that are not cocaine: sno-balls, Mexican Coke, curry, and white lady. Or are they? The credits are high as a kite of Solid Cat!