Solid Cat

Solid Cat: No One Suspects the Stegosaurus



Rest in peace, Leonard Nimoy. Val always thought Spock was hot. But we do have a full show of Solid Cat today. Burritos are Mexican food, but breakfast burritos are not. Did Val nail her Oscar pick? Catwoman is bisexual now. Ever wonder what it sound like Val won't let D-mo finish a sentence? We have 5 minutes of it, and in the end, D-mo may not have made his point. Val says her ethnicity is "Freckled-American." Lots of news this week including a belly bounce, backhoes, snooker, stolen log cabins, a terror owl, and drive-by eggings. Solid Cat Game Night returns with Superfight. In the Space Cowboy Kitchen, we learn how to cut a cake, how to pour ketchup from a bottle, and how to eat a hamburger, according to science. From the Dojo, we have perhaps the greatest product review on Amazon. Someone is shipping snow and fun and profit. And then there is a radioactive Loch Ness Monster. Only on Solid Cat.