Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Not Impressed



Hit the lights and sirens, it’s time for Solid Cat! Seriously, what’s with all the cops up in our peaceful, little hamlet? Let’s talk about Aquaman. Sexy, hunky Aquaman; hey, Jason Momoa is a good looking man. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! What’s with all the dinner parties we’re having? D-mo says Girl Scouts are getting militant with their cookie sales. Solid parenting tips from Solid Cat. Is topless women throwing mayonnaise a big issue in Belarus? Canadians are not impressed. Premier League chat. #zeromalice Thai Salad in the Space Cowboy Kitchen. Ten Things with Val about the past being utterly disgusting. A gem trader is marrying off fatherless women in India, and it’s a good thing. And we throw in a little Oscar talk, which is funny, because we didn’t see any of the movies. It’s how we roll at Solid Cat!