Solid Cat

Solid Cat: My Dad's Nuts



It's 12/13/14 at Solid Cat (unless you live outside North America, then never mind). D-mo was a roofer today... because, rain. Val can't stop yawning. There is no war on Christmas. Wanna put the Christ in Christmas, then feed the poor. You should say "Happy 2015" all year long. Charades are always an adventure. (Correction: Dar es Salaam is not the capital of Sudan as said on the show. It was the capital of Tanzania until 1996. Our bad). High speed cow chase. Not cop chase, a cow chase, though cops were involved. Abby Normal. Then we talk about "the Sexy," with banned sex acts on British porn and we settle Butts vs. Boobs. Sex is like a credit card: you get the enjoyment now, but you have to pay for later... with interest. We have the most offensively name foods on the planet (seriously, what are 6 Faggots in Gravy? It can't be real). In the finish, a Finnish kid is running for office, and Val dusts off the Sailor Moon. Moon Prism Power, Solid Cat!