Solid Cat

Solid Cat 100: We're Like Jesus



Solid Cat One Hundred! And for some reason, Val said we're like Jesus. Sure, let's run with that. WWD&VD? This show, like all of them, is a crapshoot. Does "shooting the shit" come from plunking cowpies with a squirrel gun? Val is reading the 17th century version of Urban Dictionary... for fun. Holy cow, Sherlock is sooo much better than Elementary. What the hell happened in the Doctor Who finale? Two words: Master Falconer. Butter. The Space Cowboy Kitchen returns. What does Picasso have to do with cupcakes? Know your fundamentals. In addition to doing this podcast for 100 episodes, we were on the radio, real radio, for three years; you'd think we'd better than this. We saw a movie on opening weekend (WHAT?), and we review Big Hero 6. D-mo lets his comic book nerd spill all over the place. We list our Top 5 Disney movies. Val lists the ten reasons you can't get a stiffy (hey floppy guy at the gangbang, listen up). #sniffyourtears Why does D-mo have an unhealthy obsession towards Canada? After 100 episode