Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 54 - James Hinchcliffe



Solid Cat, The Slumber Party of Podcasts, delivers another packed episode of wholesome goodness. In the highlight of the week, D-mo get a phone call from IndyCar driver James Hinchcliffe, and he goes total fanboy. Big thanks to for making that happen. But wait, there's more. We visit the home of the Chinks, we critique As Seen On TV products, and we ask, "Who remembers the Flo-Bee?" We visit Regretsy, where Etsy fails live, and talk about the Vegan Vulva Cake (you didn't misread that). Val says, "I've got nothing to say about the Chinks, and I've got nothing to say about the vulvas." Penises are just flapping in the breeze, and no one should have their vulva hanging out like one, as that's a serious issue. We have a mid-news fireworks interlude. We fry eggs in Death Valley, and say hello to a sick python. Twelve year old kids are knocking over store for hooker money. Sharknado isn't really that dangerous, especially since the sharks would just vomit and then it's a Chumnado. A kid's superhero has