Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 44 - Crack Open A Book



This week's Solid Cat is being recorded in the daytime. So we naturally talk about ice cream truck music, and if you listen closely, you can actually hear nature in the background. "If corks are flying, booze in flowing." We crack Dorktown's Top 25 Indie Podcast list, and D-mo confesses to singing Dorktown's theme song every so often. We find an actual S-Mart, and then we spend a little too much time on vomiting, but are surprisingly not gross about it (but discover D-mo's an awesome husband). We love TVG and horse racing. We have an odd Eva Braun reference, and two Michelob references, and pound a lot of wine for a sunny afternoon. Soccer saves lives. We foreshadow the tale of a catastrophe, and we remind people we're not being racist, but...