Solid Cat

Solid Cat: 38 - Sausage Cat



We cover the globe on this week's Solid Cat podcast. We learn a little something about Belgium, we compare Antiques Roadshow US vs. Antiques Roadshow UK, Danish TV inadvertently proves that Assassin's Creed is awesome, we talk about questionable Chinese food places including The Chinky Chicky, there's something about the Pope and Batman, and we hail Canada for their campaign against social farting. And in between all that, we question whether we should do our own Loveline, D-mo examines the Mission Impossible like tension when dealing with workplace lunchrooms fridges, Val owns the TARDIS of lunch bags, and also takes way too long to tell her QVC story. This week's hashtag is #sizzlerbitches, and we go on record and say we like libraries, bookstores, and chicken and waffles. Oh, and sausage, and bacon, and hamburgers, and more bacon.